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Book Recommendations

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Q & A Sessions

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Explore the series of courses ranging from FREE to premium.


1 to 1 Coaching

Upgrade a premium course to 1 to 1 coaching to reach your happiness goal.


Become an expert in connection

Understand where you are and where conflict comes from in a relationship. Learn about yourself and your partner, discover how you love and want to be loved. Learn the steps to create better connections, how to maintain and improve your relationship into something special.

Free Courses

A series of short courses looking at relationship expectations and myths – What is a relationship? Where do the problems come from?

The free courses also give you a taste of what it’s like working with me!

Premium Courses

A series of in-depth courses starting with the relationship pattern, working through to learning and discovering who you and your partner are. Learn the mechanisms for creating, maintaining a healthy and happy relationship.

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