Personally, I or rather, we don’t, and that is not because Harj and I have been married for over 27 years and are too long in the tooth but because of the commercialisation of it.
Valentine’s Day, however, can be an excellent reminder to focus on the ‘love’ in your relationship. Many couples reach the point at some time, where they question, where has the love gone. It is usually there, hidden beneath a pile of work and other life commitments and just needs some TLC.
Over this month, in my blogs, I will be exploring ‘love’; starting today with asking you this question:-
Do you feel pressured into ‘doing’ Valentine’s Day?
If so, where is this coming from? It can be society, your partner or the advertising we are bombarded by.
So what can you do?
Before the 14th of February descends upon us, it can be helpful to raise the conversation with your partner so you can ascertain their thoughts. If you find it hard to talk about it, you can use this article as a conversation starter – “I read an article the other day …”
Here are some questions you could ask:-
What is your opinion of Valentine’s Day?
Do you think Valentine’s Day is a commercial rip-off?
Do you like Valentine’s Day? If so, why?
Do you want to do Valentine’s Day?
These questions will help you establish if there is an expectation or not on the 14th of February for you to fulfil.
While you are having this conversation, it can be helpful to ask this question:-
What have I given you or done that has made you feel loved?
If you get only one answer, then ask, anything else?
Having 2 or 3 answers to this question will give you a few ideas on how you can express your love, be it on Valentine’s Day or any other day.
Don’t worry too much if you don’t get the answers or can’t have the conversation. Next week I’ll give you some love tips and ideas that don’t cost a fortune.
So what is your answer to the question? Do you do Valentine’s Day? Let me know in the comments.